
ATP Renewal

How to Renew the ATP Certificate

As experts in vehicle refrigeration, we also offer ATP renewal services for trucks and vans. TERMOSERVICE s.r.l. is in fact an authorised testing centre and, at our headquarters, it is possible to carry out all the requirements relating to the renewal of the certification from the sixth year of the vehicle's life.

Specifically, we offer the following services:
  • ATP renewal directly at our headquarters for deadlines up to the 15th year for FRAX, FRB, FNA, FRA, FRBX;
  • Completion and processing of A.T.P. test procedures at the CPA in Rome for vehicles whose isothermal cells have reached the 15th year from the date of construction (FRCX, FRC, FNAX, IN, IR);
  • Specialised consultancy for the resolution of all problems related to the A.T.P. certificate (certified loss, request for duplicate approval of the refrigeration room and/or unit, etc.).
  • Application of the adhesive abbreviations showing the ATP classification obtained for the vehicle under test, with month and year of expiry.

You can renew your ATP up to 6 months before it expires without losing its validity.
To obtain an ATP renewal certification, you must provide the following documentation:
  • Original of the expiring ATP certificate or report of loss with any copy of the ATP;
  • Copy of the registration certificate

ATP regulations

ATP stands for 'Accord Transport Perissable' and refers to the 1970 international agreement on the transport of perishable foodstuffs and the special means to be used for such transport. The legislation aims to safeguard the healthiness of the perishable goods transported, imposing strict rules for compliance with the cold chain.

In particular, the reference law requires compliance with certain rules for the construction of isothermal equipment for the chilled transport of food, and establishes the issue of the ATP certification only in the presence of a certificate of compliance of the vehicle (issued by the concessionaire) and the certificate of conformity of the isothermal structure and the refrigeration group (issued by the manufacturer).

Expiration of the ATP certificate

From the date of the first issue, the ATP certificate is valid for 6 years, after which it will be necessary to renew the certificate every 3 years until reaching the 15th year of the vehicle’s lifespan.

Failure to renew the ATP certificate entails the ancillary sanction of the withdrawal of the registration certificate (Article 216, paragraph 1 of the Council of State).

The legislation provides for the possibility of issuing the ATP certification in class RRC (Reinforced Refrigerator Class C, approved for transport up to -20°C) only for the first two renewals, or up to the 12th year of the vehicle's lifespan; subsequently, only a certification in class NRA (Normal Refrigerator Class A, approved for transport up to 0°C) or NI (Normal Isothermal, approved for transport up to 0°C) can be issued.

Beyond the 15th year, a VTC (Vehicle Testing Centre) verification will be required to obtain a certification valid for an additional 6 years.